

There’s a lot to be said about being dockside…although, not remotely like being out in the middle of Georgian Bay. It does have its charm…like, meeting people by just walking up and down the dock to get ice, lol…what can I say?!
It appears that most boaters like a beverage or two?!!! And music…it always seems to be alive…and it’s LIVE…what more can you ask!

Nice to see friends off on an adventure. Sometimes it’s a bitch though…as you’ll be staying dockside this time around…darn! Wishing your friends a fantastic, safe journey! I really don’t mind dockside, can do my own thing, and in a boat…not bad! Nothing better than putting on the tunes, opening the wine, cookin’ up a storm, eating, reading, takin’ in the sun and, in a boat!

OMG, lets talk about the covered dock…oh ya, a blessing for sure! Inclement weather be damned! Of course, it doesn’t help much in big wind…in fact, can get a bit scary, not gonna lie! Picture this, you’re in a boat, tied to a dock, on the water, with a great, big, tall, mast…ok, now, feel it! It could be worse, you could be in the middle of Georgian Bay…I’ve heard all kinds of stories, best saved for another time…scary!

Besides the devil spider, which seems to be a part of boaters life…eeeek…they’re everywhere, don’t like, not gonna lie…ducks and other such wonderful feathered friends, seem to be quite content with dock life…and they look good in it!


Beauty is everywhere…even dockside!!!
























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