Glailing in Lost Bay, Beausoleil


Lost Bay…hmmmmm, let’s see…located on the north west side of the 8km long, Beausoleil Island. There really are no words to fully describe any of the islands in Georgian Bay….the ultimate, the gorgeous, the amazing!!!
Ahhhh, the beauty that surrounds us every day…

One of my favourite anchorages! Sheltered and calm, providing good holding, a picturesque Georgian Bay beauty…only a 2 hour tour from the marina in Victoria Harbour. Of course, you best get there as early as possible, in order to secure a secluded anchorage deep within the bay. Be careful on your way in though…stay in the centre of the little channel, to avoid the rocks on either side.

Once secured and settled, we’ll hear the familiar pop of a can of coke, gently being purred over black rum and ice.
Cheers all round. Ahoy Matey!

Sailing, I believe everyone knows what that is. What about glailing?  You’ve heard of glamping, haven’t you? Anyway, glailing (I made it up…sounds Irish), is done on the water, in a sailboat, in somewhat glamorous conditions…it’s no 3 man tent, if you know what I mean… you can actually stand to get dressed and stuff. There’s washroom and shower facilities, sink, stove, oven, hot/cold running water, fridge, electricity, dining, comfy beds with sheets, pillows, blankets, rum and coke…ohhh myyy!!!

Lazing around, drinking up more than the sun and scenery…lol! Listening to the waves, lapping against the boat and breaking over the rocks, rustling trees, chirping crickets, singing birds, croaking frogs… the occasional loon… my favourite. Their haunting, provocative song, so enticing, solemn, meditative…love. And the smells…pine, wood, water, rocks, sand, and yes, I can actually smell those things…sometimes a bonfire…OMG, is that, hot dogs!!!

So stunning, rain or sun, from dusk til dawn…










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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Linda

    Beautiful…you are a lucky girl!

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