Hope and back…

1_DSC9404 The rush to leave and pack up was exciting, leaving a whole hour early, on a Thursday? Exciting…ahhhh holidays, what a relief. The Anticipation…warm, sunny weather, and smooth sailing, tee, hee!  Waiting for the gate to open to the marina! Unpacking the car, filling up the buggy that will escort my stuff to the V accommodation I will occupy for the next 10 days. OMG, it was drop and go. My stuff was in the sailboat, and we were off. Lovin’ every minute of it… I was up in the chair rail in no time. Destination, Hope Island, shit, that’s 4 hours away, it’s 6:15pm now, 6 plus 4 is 10. mmmmm, shit…it’ll be dark!!! Kinda scary…the knowledge that you will arrive at your destination, in a sailboat, in the dark. Crap…are you saying in the dark? How will we see? How will you know where the rocks are?  How will you know where to drop the anchor? 10:15pm oh, ok, here is fine, Sandy Bay, 12 ft of water, a 4 ft something keel? Anchors down?!?!  All is good!!! The moon was absolutely magnificent, lighting our way, creating golden ripples on the water. Somewhat pissed off that I could not take the perfect picture. Hey, it would require tripod, timer and stuff.  Oh well, we’ll just admire and chill. Love the dingy, the little scenic trips, camera in hand… what could possibly be better? This time…destination, an 1884 lighthouse on the northwest side of the island. Whaaat…wasn’t expecting a dilapidated wooden structure, home to what appear to be Osprey nests! A metal tower now acting as the beacon, still not deterring the number of ship wrecks off the island. Never mind, the photo op is great…love… Amazing night…sat out for hours…all the stars twinkling above…bright, blood orange moon glowing across the water in the east, sheet lightning in the west! Not even possible to capture the unbelievable! P.S. Hope Island… northern of three islands in south eastern Georgian Bay. Like its neighbours, Beckwith and  Christian Island, she is one of  these uninhabited islands, part of an Ojibwa reserve, boasting the second-largest First Nations population, surpassed only by the Cree. 2_DSC9409 9_DSC9438 _DSC9476 _DSC9528 _DSC9542 _DSC9506 _DSC9551 _DSC9513 _DSC9557 _DSC9509 _DSC9531 _DSC9585 _DSC9562 _DSC9567

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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Alida Jones

    These are the most beautiful photos I have seen ever. You have captured the scenery and the buildings showing the present and the past for our imagination……almost as we had been there beside. Thank you for taking us on a lovely trip on Georgian Bay, Ontario.

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