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Wow…another awesome day…up to 9c…the sun was just beaming!!!

OMG, as I was writing this,  I looked out the window and it was snowing…correction, it was a blizzard…unbelievable.
Helloooo, it was the first day of spring just the other day!!!

Met a friend for a walk in another one of Simcoe’s many forests, this one near Midhurst. Beautiful trail with a river running through it. Still some snow and a bit slippy in spots, but overall quite fine. A combination of a few hills and straight patches, makes this a nice walk for pretty much everyone.

Drove over to Fort Willow…a fort you say…goes to show, you learn something new every day. Turns out it’s only about 15 minutes from my place…who knew…very cool!

Just going to toot my own horn here…9.63 km and 13,409 steps, a record for me at this time of year…yeah!!!

I love SPRING!!!





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This Post Has One Comment

  1. A.Jones

    I love your photos and your adventures as you travel around. Thank you for them. Keep on blogging.

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