‘Trailer Trash’

Out of all the many things I take photos of, I know it’s quite a few, I love so many, it’s hard to decide, I do seem to love old abandoned stuff. Hence…over the past few years, I put together this little ditty…I call it,’Trailer Trash’.

This is my rendition of all the abandoned stuff I’ve come across on my journeys.

Seeing through my lens, fascinates me.

What exactly attracts me to these trash like objects?

I see beauty in the pieces…I’m drawn to them in some way.
The colours in rust…intriguing! The shapes and angles, among the ruins…appealing!
The juxtaposition to nature…alluring! See for yourself, as you explore, ‘Trailer Trash’.

Why are you drawn!?

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Judy

    Hey lady…awesome pics… Love them!

  2. Alida Jones

    Abandoned trash belonged to someone and it lets ones imagination soar, trying to decide what it was used for, who did it belong to, etc……..

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