Graphic Design is Needed for Your Business!

Graphic Design pic

What is Graphic Design?
Graphic Design is much more than just pretty pictures. It’s a visual language that communicates your company’s personality and message to potential customers. Look around you, and think about it for a moment. The package of gummies on your desk, the cover of the book you’ve been reading, the awesome poster of your favourite band, and even the funky typeface in a TV ad. These are all examples of Graphic Design, consequently, a huge part of everyday life.

Why do you need Graphic Design, and why is it important?
Graphic design is an important first impression of your company. It’s the first interaction a client has with your brand and your story, therefore setting the tone for the rest of your business relationships. Ask yourself, what does your logo, business card, or website, say about your company or brand?

Graphic design is used to inform, direct, organize, attract, entertain, delight and eventually persuade you to buy, or take action. It helps create credibility in your industry or field, by providing content that helps solve a problem or relieve a pain point, in an innovative way. Consistency with that content creation, will help you build a dedicated following, who will trust your brand, and believe in your message. Graphic Design is also used to empathize with your audience, by literally showing them what life would look and feel like, with the problem or pain point solved by your product, service, or advice. 

Who does Graphic Design, and why does it matter?
Graphic Designers are problem solvers, who generate creative solutions, conveying ideas effectively through the use of images, symbols and words. Professional graphic designers are analytical and creative thinkers, with keen observation skills. A trained graphic designer can make your company look good, but most importantly, can convey the right message, in the right way, to the right audience, making sure your visual communication is as clear and effective as possible. A few examples to ponder: Have a flyer designed to let your audience know about an upcoming workshop. Create an email campaign to upsell a service to current customers. Have a landing page built to introduce a new product. To see more examples, swing by my design page:

Quality graphic design gets results!

Photograph and logo design concepts by Karen Gibson Graphic Design

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