Graphic Design Process

Graphic Design Process

My purpose is to ensure that a project is successful, and delivers exactly what you want and need. I follow a series of steps, or a process, before doing any actual design work. The goal is to produce a finished product that will effectively communicate a specific message to your intended target audience.


1. Design Brief/Questionnaire…it’s more of a Discovery
This first step is the single most critical factor in ensuring that your project is successful. You’ve probably given me an overview of what you need. I then gather information about your business and industry, your expectations, your mission, vision and goals, as well as your products or services. I would find it extremely helpful if you share a mood board or style sheet with me. In other words, samples of what you like: colours, fonts, modes, themes, textures…whatever inspires you!

2. Researching/Planning…who am I designing for
Next I research to seek out information on your competitors, what makes you different from them, your target market, customers and trends. I need to understand who I’m designing for. All this research hopes to create designs that are communicating the right message, in the right way, to the right audience, making sure your visual communication is as clear and effective as possible.

3. Strategy/Brainstorming…what’s the message
The combination of design brief and research will provide an open path to producing relevant ideas. Each and every element of a design from layout, to colour, to typography, is sending out a message to your viewers. I explore how these elements can work together to support the message. I may even use a list of pertinent words that can be used in the next step.

4. Developing/Design…sketching out concepts
This next step explores the ideas and words by sketching out concepts. These sketches materialize the ideas in my imagination, and can generate many options quite quickly. These early sketches give a fair idea of whether or not I’m headed in the right direction. It would probably be a good idea for you to see these preliminary sketches. If I’m headed in the wrong direction, I can quickly pivot and make additional alternatives. Once we decide on a sketch we both agree on, we can enter the final step.

5. Building/Production…the most suitable design
I will create several versions of the selected sketch, providing options, allowing you to select the most suitable design. Your feedback is important! It may take several rounds of this step before finalization. Once we have the final design in hand and it’s approved by you, we should be good to go!

Infographic by Karen Gibson Graphic Design

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This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Alida Jones

    A very informative article on how Graphic Design is produced. Thank you.

    1. Karen Gibson

      Thank you Alida, so nice of you to say, much appreciated.

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